
photos@caitlineddolls.com | © 2023 Caitlin Eddolls

Photo and baby made by Andrés and Hailey Trejo

Based in Syracuse, NY

My documentary work primarily focuses on capturing the intricate and ever-evolving dynamics of families. I am captivated by the love languages, roles, and humor that make each family uniquely incredible. My goal is to capture the beauty of these complexities through photographs.

Growing up within a loving, albeit divorced, family, our lives were evenly divided. We spent half the week with our mom and the other half with our dad. Our family continued to expand as we gained a stepmother, step father, additional siblings, and grandparents. When I was sixteen, my dad and stepmom welcomed their own baby girl into the world, who is now seventeen (eek!). Over the years, my family has experienced all of the beautiful and messy elements that define family-hood.

My photographic journey has been significantly influenced by my prior professional experiences. Some of the roles I have held over the years are that of a nanny, outdoor educator, and a behavioralist assistant at a specialized school catering to children and adolescents with neurological differences. I also spent several summers photographing internationally for student travel companies.

Most recently, I’ve been deeply invested in a long-form photo project centered around a rare disease and the individuals and families affected by it, as well as the scientists working to cure it. In March of 2022, I was honored to receive the Alexia Student Grant, awarded to both students and professionals who produce photo projects that address socially significant topics.